Capacity Information

Packaging Plant 

Put on market by sacking up in accordance with regulation on controlling air pollution arising from heating. enterprise includes one crushing-screening-packaging plant with 50 ton/h capacity. In this plant walnut and nut coal coming from wash are processed and packed only. 

Capacity: 50 X 8 X 300 = 120.000 Ton/Year 

Washing Plant 

Sorting process in coal washing / enrichment plant is performed upon utilization of density difference that is one of the physical features of coal. Coal in raw material feeding into heavy media buoy, while schist (waste) sink and these products are coal process capacity of plant: 100 x 8 x 300 = 240.000 ton/year 

Coal enrichment capacity of plant: 240.000 X 0,70 = 168.000 Ton/Year 

Work Flow Scheme

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