Human Resources Practices

Selection and Placement
Our employees are the most important resource of Altınyağ. In this regard, it is our primary concern to select and employ the right person for the right vacant position in the company. While the specific criteria may vary for each position, our expectation for each candidate is to fulfill the fundamental requirements in line with our values and codes of conduct.

Our recruitment processes;

  • Seeking candidates by reviewing our existing database,
  • Electronic job posting if sufficient number of candidates could not be found in the search,
  • Selecting suitable candidates through interviews,
  • Presenting the information and interview reports of suitable candidates to the senior management,
  • Checking references of candidates approved by the senior management prior to job offering,
  • Executing the procedure for job offering to the selected candidate(s).

In line with our mission, vision and goals, Altınyağ organizes training activities to improve the technical knowledge and personal skills of our employees. The trainings, an important part of our human resources practices, aim to support professional and personal development of employees, while providing motivation and job satisfaction.

Our training system is established in parallel with the Company’s organizational structure. New employees are included in the orientation program prepared for this purpose. Training plans are prepared at the beginning of each year according to the evaluation center results, the superior and position of each employee, thus ensuring their participation to training programs to support their development.

Performance Evaluation System
In our Company, the performance evaluation system is applied separately for Blue-Collar and White-Collar employees. Performance evaluation systems comprise of qualifications, competences and objectives. At the first stage of the system, our employees evaluate themselves, followed by their immediate superior’s evaluation, and finally the higher superior’s approval. The performance score from the evaluation is shared with the employee by his/her superior. The performance evaluation results are used as primary data for determining training needs, wage raises and career management.

Wage System 
Our company offer salaries and benefits in consideration of the competences and qualifications required for each position. Afterwards, salaries are raised in accordance with the inflation rate, company strategies and objectives as well as personal performance.

Career Management System 
At the end of each year, appointment requests from company managers are gathered and evaluated. The candidates’ past business experiences, awards and penalties, performance scores and participated projects are assessed. A competence score is established as a result of this assessment. The career planning for our employees is constituted in light of these data.

Development Management
In order to identify the employees with leadership qualities that could provide competitive advantages for the company in the future, and to support their development in this regard, the company carries out skill management practices. Various development programs are implemented for potential candidates, and their individual development plans are constantly monitored.

Training and development programs intended for the individuals, specific functions and the company are carried out within the framework of development management. Our aim is to develop the competencies, and raise the level of technical knowledge, of our employees. Altınyağ considers not only training programs, but also on-the-job training activities, project activities and rotations as part of the development management.

Suggestion System:
In Altınyağ, we regularly revise the system and processes to take steps for improvement. In this direction, each employee’s ideas are valued and a suggestion system is employed to assess these ideas. Our aim is to ensure participation of all employees through their suggestions and building the future of Altınyağ on their ideas.    

Rewarding System
To recognize the employees’ achievements and to reward such achievements in a timely manner, thus sharing their happiness, the company utilizes various rewarding systems. Each year, the most successfully executed projects and activities are identified and achievements are shared with ceremonies.